Wednesday, April 15, 2015


I have often wondered when I see people, who have suffered a recent tragedy, loss or faced a trauma go about their routine chores and thought how is it possible for them to carry on as if nothing has happended. ? Are they not so deeply affected by what has happened ? How is it they are able to function normally and carry on mundane talks and routine chores as if there is no change in the daily routine inspite of having such a great problem or borne a big  loss. But now I have come to understand that there are times that the mind an body just function on an automaton without being affected by any happening or grief or trauma. Human beings are capable of carrying on with their routine chores, mundane conversation, relish food, admire beauty even if their mind is overloaded with grief, guilt , worry and what not. Probably, as some one said the mind is akin to a computer which compartmentalizes each area into various boxes and uses only those that needs to be used while just allows  the other area to lie idle and in wait and watching. The background process regarding the loss or shock just exists with or without our intervening thoughts. The said sorrow is just sitting there waiting for the mind to take cognizance of it. Some grief and thoughts are too big or huge but still can be overlooked and the person is able to enjoy, some one elses misery or a serial or a book . Is it  a conscious technique to just set aside and carry on or a compulsion or something that happens naturally, I am not able to fathom. But how ever much varied interests we develop , the constant thought or guilt lies like a stone always making known its presence and without intruding or interfering in other regular actions.
The miracle of a human mind I  think is the ability to continue as if nothing has happened even thought emotionally the person is tired , drained or broken. Admirable quality.. sometimes  I function as a n autamaton sometimes even if overcome with grief am able to shield from near and dear some times too exhausted to do anything. But what ever may be the methodology  I have a gift additionally and that is ability to sleep anytime- irrespective of the gravity of the issue. Does this indicate that I am emotionally dead or immune or that there exists a dichotomy between physical needs and emotional needs. No idea but time waits for none and rolls over. \
Sometimes I think it is shameful to behave like this some times i think I am superior for being able to carry on like this. But no matter what even if self pity creeps in I am able to go on.. Gifted that I am..
with sleep too...

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