An early morning conversation with my colleague yesterday ,triggered a lot of feelings in me as a Girl/Lady/Parent and most importantly as a Feminist.
My friend is a father of two girl children, I casually enquired about the future academic plans of his elder daughter which set off the trigger in him. He was very vociferous and bubbling with repressed anger on the demands of his "girl" "child". According to him, the child may have lots of plans , dreams, etc., but it was not in "his" portfolio to cater to the same. Suppose, the child did not succeed the chosen field, then there was no way she was going to be indulged by giving her a break of one yer for more intensive coaching and preparation, as she will be around 24 years on completion of the course. After all she is a girl and he has a responsibility to get her married, which he proposes to do at 22 years. or maximum 23 years. so I suggested, any way after her schooling , let her go for a graduation in college and then decide.
He said and " emphatic NO" Why? sheer waste of money. She can always get a degree through correspondence try her luck doing something else parallelly, worse come to worst , after all she is a girl and "Üdhyogam Purusha lakshanam". being a girl she can get a job in bank, government, public sector etc if required.
This attitude of my friend which I have been observing for the last 6 months has triggered a lot of questions in my mind.At this point , I would like to add, that to my knowledge this is nto an isolated case, but the attitude of more than 60 % of my colleagues and friends.
It is important for a girl to study if possible professionally but the parents duty comes to an end only on her marriage. why? because she is our "responsibility and once given away in "kanyadaan" there ends the matter .
For more than 2 years I have been actively taking all steps to create awareness on the equality of sexes and promotion of the concept that there is a distinction between sex and gender. In this scenario, this type of interactions cause immense pain and rage in me , not knowing what to do and a feeling of utter helplessness .
Why would not the parent not allow her education in a college? Simply because at this level or stage of schooling she has a lot of friends around 30-40 and the number will increase in college . Similarly her desire to acquire and possess all material things that her friends possess like, cell phone, laptop, ipad, etc would also increase . He asks me , "do you want me to waste money like that? No Not required, "Very feebly I suggested , why dont you sit and talk with the child and explain the family situation on all fronts, like economic, cultural, background instead of confrontation or a strict "no".
He said, "No Not required, next you will say that I will have to dance to her tunes and satisfy all her needs and indulge her. No chance, that is not the way I operate. There has to be a limit and a line drawn. "
Now I am more than enraged , I am livid and it took all my self control to keep my lips shut and nose out of the issue. My mind started working overtime and issued all these questions to me one after the other :
1) What does he expect from the child?
2)If a child is adamant or demanding during its teenage, it would not have come all of a sudden, . How had we handled this earlier.? If our financial situation does not allow us to indulge our child then what is the harm in explaining the same to the child in the age appropriate manner, giving the child a sense of belonging and responsibility ?
3)Why does he feel that she is a subordinate or someone who has to listen to him only
and not express any of her ideas or notions?
4)What about the girl? what will be her mental state?Considering that she has to struggle for everything at every stage, be it for literacy,education, or economic independence.
5)Accepting he is right and the girls accepts all that he says, what guarantee has he that his "responsibility"is over after her marriage? or does that mean that any thing that happens to her after wedding is no more his concern?
6)What will happen to the girl after her marriage? how will she handle situations? suppose something goes wrong will the child be able to face life independently? Can she trust her parents for refuge? will she have the ability to trust and learn and assess people around her?
7) These days children are exposed to various people events, ideas etc. Assuming she confides her problems to a few of them, and is being taken undue advantage of then will she be able to face the situation and life after this?
8) Is that all a girls life is all about, studies , employment marriage?. She is only a matter of responsibility and nothing more.?
When I see these kind of people around me , I learn to differentiate and understand the difference between literate, educated and lettered. As Kalpana Sharma rightly said these people are "lettered" but are they educated?
No matter how much education, exposure we have, if we do not change our view point and attitude then what is the whole point. Are we wise because we know the tonnes of religious shlokas/mantras/verses and follow all rituals and ceremonies diligently and blindly without a care or thought to the emotional, physical, pshycological state of the people around us.
When we point fingers we are very clear on where and with whom the mistake is . Is it not required of us to introspect and correct ourselves ? Is learning not about understanding and correcting our selves to evolve into a better person.
I agree that there is no right way and wrong way in parenting and I am the last person to advise another on how to bring up a child , when I am not aware of the concept, but I firmly believe, children always need our support and care specially when they are not fully independent. Hence, it is essential for us to assure them and reassure them always that we will be there for them but at the same time their overall development to emerge as an individual is also our responsibility.
It is not only our duty to school them in academics but also in behaviour, values life skills so that they they are able to lead their life with or without somebody's support.
1) What does he expect from the child?
2)If a child is adamant or demanding during its teenage, it would not have come all of a sudden, . How had we handled this earlier.? If our financial situation does not allow us to indulge our child then what is the harm in explaining the same to the child in the age appropriate manner, giving the child a sense of belonging and responsibility ?
3)Why does he feel that she is a subordinate or someone who has to listen to him only
and not express any of her ideas or notions?
4)What about the girl? what will be her mental state?Considering that she has to struggle for everything at every stage, be it for literacy,education, or economic independence.
5)Accepting he is right and the girls accepts all that he says, what guarantee has he that his "responsibility"is over after her marriage? or does that mean that any thing that happens to her after wedding is no more his concern?
6)What will happen to the girl after her marriage? how will she handle situations? suppose something goes wrong will the child be able to face life independently? Can she trust her parents for refuge? will she have the ability to trust and learn and assess people around her?
7) These days children are exposed to various people events, ideas etc. Assuming she confides her problems to a few of them, and is being taken undue advantage of then will she be able to face the situation and life after this?
8) Is that all a girls life is all about, studies , employment marriage?. She is only a matter of responsibility and nothing more.?
When I see these kind of people around me , I learn to differentiate and understand the difference between literate, educated and lettered. As Kalpana Sharma rightly said these people are "lettered" but are they educated?
No matter how much education, exposure we have, if we do not change our view point and attitude then what is the whole point. Are we wise because we know the tonnes of religious shlokas/mantras/verses and follow all rituals and ceremonies diligently and blindly without a care or thought to the emotional, physical, pshycological state of the people around us.
When we point fingers we are very clear on where and with whom the mistake is . Is it not required of us to introspect and correct ourselves ? Is learning not about understanding and correcting our selves to evolve into a better person.
I agree that there is no right way and wrong way in parenting and I am the last person to advise another on how to bring up a child , when I am not aware of the concept, but I firmly believe, children always need our support and care specially when they are not fully independent. Hence, it is essential for us to assure them and reassure them always that we will be there for them but at the same time their overall development to emerge as an individual is also our responsibility.
It is not only our duty to school them in academics but also in behaviour, values life skills so that they they are able to lead their life with or without somebody's support.