There is a saying which says “pen is mightier than the
sword” adding to it , it should be stated that use of tongue without caution
like an unbridled horse, causes immense damage. The power of speech and the impact of it, on the audience / the
listener is immense. It is essential to remember that right from beginning ,
children should be taught by example and otherwise - what to speak, what not to speak, when to
speak and when not to speak. Today’s children and youngsters are well exposed
to various facets of technological advancement. This exposure gives them both
required and unrequired input. In the over enthusiasm of possessing such inputs
they allow their tongue to wag even without necessity and sometimes - highly inappropriately.
By doing so they are not aware of the consequences most
of the time and sometimes they do not care about it. As a part of parenting it
is imperative for us to know and guide them / correct them and their usage of vocabulary. Being taken for granted, though many consider it as a
compliment it is not always so . Such a notion gives idea to the children that
it is possible to speak anything and everything to parents. Yes it is possible
to speak anything and everything , but it is very essential for them to learn
how the same should be presented , even with parents with whom they can speak ‘freely’
. It is essential to inculcate in the children the capacity to hold their tongue so that the
listener does not suffer the effects of the the tongue lash.
Children today are more demanding and adamant. This could be attributed to various reasons,
but what needs to be done is that they should be taught not to lash at the
parents also with their words. The quality of being manipulative is so inbuilt
in them that they are easily able to escape with great ingenuity. But this does
not in anyway excuse/explain their use of harsh language with parents/ friends/
family or outsiders. What parents do in such situation is even though they are
hurt they try to justify or find a cause for the child’s act, which is
incorrect. In the sense, that identifying the cause of misbehaviour is a must
but using that as an excuse to explain and for the children to get away with harsh language or words is
It is important for parents to understand and teach children that
misdirected anger, irritation due to self pity, misbehaving due to lack of
satisfaction are not the excuses which they should find to explain their
behaviour. No matter what our situation is, it is essential to remember that
tongue and its usage should be placed under guard. Else the consequences of the
same should be faced. Children and parents mistakenly believe that it is ok
because it is only behind closed doors or within family , that the child
expresses his anguish.
But please remember it is not okay. There is no guarantee
that a child’s word will not hurt the parent. The only difference between an
outsider and a parent would be that the latter would find out the cause and
forgive even if they do not forget, which a rank outsider will not do.
In order to teach children to exercise caution on the
language, words and tone used by them it is very essential to correct them at
all times when they use incorrect words, tone or manner of speaking . Parents
must explicitly and implicitly ensure that misuse of words , intonation, and
language by the children would not be encouraged at any cost. If at times the
parents themselves commit such mistakes it behooves them to apologise and
accept the fact that they were also in error with that kind of behavior.
Parents should correct the child’s manner of speaking
both by constant watching and by example. If the same is not done in an early
age, then no amount of excusing will take away the pain and wound caused by the
harsh tongue of a person. No excuses offered are also acceptable .
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