Thursday, September 30, 2010


This was furnished by me as a small piece of thought to ponder in my office magazine, unluckily it did not get selected. However, I felt that I should definitely publish it some where and so here I am.
In the preface to the book " The God Delusion" author, Richard Dawkins makes a narration. The narration is the fact that his wife did not like school but her parents were unaware of it till she was in her twenties. When her parents asked her why she did not come out and talk earlier, she gives out a factual and profound statement," I did not know I could" . On reading it , I felt that expression precisely presents the thoughts of young adults(adolscents) of today. Teenagers and youth of today are unable to face small trials/obstacles/failures they come across in their life because they lack confidence and courage. The reason for them to have this low level of confidence is due to the fact that parents have failed to encourage the children to confide in them and express their inner most thoughts. A number of children do not know or cannot confide in their parents for the simple reaon that parents have failed to clearly communicate the message to the child that "We are always there for you".
A lot of time , money, effort and love is spent by parents in educating and providing a comfortable life to the children by the parents. The whole purpose is defeated if the child is unable to develop the ability to think, act, express themselves as confident and mature adults. In their over anxiety to protect , provide and prepare their children for an excellent future, we as parents become overbearing, nagging, frightening aliens to them.
It is incorrect to say that all parents are the same, but majority of us go by how the society moves in masses- rather than contemplate whether the same is suited for their child and family. Present day scenario, especially the hype and competition the children face does not give room for 'all round ' development of the child. Emphasis of performance in academics is very high so much so that an academically not so brilliant child is considered an inferior being and develops a very low self-esteem. Terms and labels like 'average student', 'slow-learners' , 'also-rans' play havoc on the children and their immediate family. Let us be different . Let us inspire confidence and courage in our children such that they say "I KNOW I CAN", rather than "I DID NOT KNOW I COULD".

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Come Monday morning , people all over the world wake up with a dread or rather feeling of dullness at the very thought of waking up and starting the weekily work/study routine bringing to an end the relaxed(!!!) weekend . But to all those people out there I would like to say, if there is some thing which should not change then it is the routine. Inspite of our expectation for a leisure weekend we are irritated with the newspaper man/milkman/electricity office in case they do not function during our days off.. How can they be so lethargic and without care . Why then are these called Essential services etc.... We often forget that those people are also human being very much like us having a lot of limitations and constraints... I am one person who would love to have a routine life.. I would love to go to work all five days a week. Stay at office during the full office working time, spend a weekend during mundane chores and get back to office on monday morning.. It might sound silly , but that is something which I find difficult to achieve.. For me Routine is visits to hospitals, doctors, sickness, visitors, etc.. Routine is reading voluminous fiction books in the waiting rooms of hospitals,clinics and labs... Probably I am overreacting or indulging in selfpity ... but somehow a routine life without a break due to a hospital visit seems mighty attractive than a 3 day vacation to a hill station.