Friday, December 12, 2008

distress or devastation

hai i just got sometime so i thought i need to share a few thoughts to all of you out there. the point is i had an interesting conversation with my doctor who was telling me how to tackle day to day problems without increasing our stress level and without affecting our emotional balance. Every situation which we consider serious should answer the question : whether it will give rise to distress or devastation. Majority of them will usually fall under the category of distress - since devastation has a wider magnitude and larger impact on living as such. When we realise the situation is not a devastation - but distressful.. then only we should proceed to decide as to how to handle the same.... i think this logic has been told by too many people... everyone reading this would have come across the same logic in various form like drawing a line next to the problem line so as to suggest the actual problem is much smaller . Dale Carnegies suggests that , when ever you face a problematic situation instead of worrying just think about the worst consequence we could ever face and then go about carrying out the necessary action. In spite of these logics and advises floating around us all the time how many times have we really applied the same in our real life situations. There are various instances when we would have used these very words to console or advise our friends but the no. of instances we have applied the same might be few . this is not meant as an advise but just to reassure everyone that yes all of us have problems ..... each one varies...... and it is not beyond our capacity to solve/face/ignore them as required by the situation. Every individual needs to be confident that there is nothing he cannot solve if he so desires... whether we want to actually do it ... or play the blame game and find a easy way out is our choice...... very rarely choices are taken up by fate/luck/stars or whatever ......... a small and thoughtful step will go a long way in clarifying our outlook on the situation.... so all my friends out there.... think..... before you worry ..... and dont waste time worrying...... if you are not aware of any solution which may come out of your worries.... b confident , cheerful and enjoy life with all its moments.....

Monday, November 24, 2008

Spitting in public places

hello there... i dont know how many of you read through my blog... well i have a few more thoughts to share.... one thing which i abhor since child hood is spitting on the road....... I have been travelling for more than 30 years in chennai..... i find that people invariable of the caste, sex, education, status have the most dirty habit of spitting on the roads . The people who travel the world over.. speak so highly of the cleanliness in the countries all over.. . like singapore, us, canada etc... the very same people who are not able to acclimatize themselves to the 'indian weather' are unable to get over the habit of spitting on the roads...... this only goes to show that whatever be the strata of the people unless it is enforced upon them, they do not consider it worth their while to observe certain basic sense for civic and self welfare.... there have been many incidents wherein i have seen people travelling in the luxury sedans and suvs just rolling down the windows to spit the pan / chicklets while waiting at the signal....... could these people have done the same thing else where in the world...... i have my own doubts..... in my opinion.... schools and education institution should start inculcating basic civic sense to the children write from their kindergarden stage... wherein it should be taught spitting on a public road is an unclean and unhealthy habit ... i just hope that at least then the parents are enlightened .